Let's suppose you want to create a task that loads a TSV file into a PSV file on a daily basis. This task is meant to be part of Java code, but you are unfamiliar with Java and are unsure of how to write the code. Good news, you can use the Sample Data Toolkit UI to figure out this code for you as follows:
1) Go to the app page for the Simple Data Toolkit UI, at the time of this writing it is here: https://www.vis-software.com/#sdtk
2) Click Choose Files.
3) Find the file you want to convert.
4) Click Open.
5) Select the output type you want, for this tutorial we will select PSV.
6) Then for script, select Java.
7) Then click Download Script.
You will now have some Java code that uses SDTK to convert the file you selected to PSV. You can now either run this script or integrate it with another one.
If you need to install SDTK for Java, you can do it by downloading the latest version from SourceForge and placing it in your class path. At the time of this writing, this can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/simple-data-toolkit/files/0.1.3/sdtk.jar/download
The code will look something like this:
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_GitAPI def printer(data, reader): print(reader.toArrayOfNativeMaps(None)) com_sdtk_api_GitAPI.reposAPI().retrieveData({"owner": "Vis-LLC"}, printer)To retrieve all branches a repo has using Simple Data Toolkit, we can do the following:
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_GitAPI def printer(data, reader): print(reader.toArrayOfNativeMaps(None)) com_sdtk_api_GitAPI.branchesAPI().retrieveData({"owner": "Vis-LLC", "repo": "Simple-Data-Toolkit"}, printer)To retrieve all the files in a branch using Simple Data Toolkit, we can do the following:
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_GitAPI def printer(data, reader): print(reader.toArrayOfNativeMaps(None)) com_sdtk_api_GitAPI.filesAPI().retrieveData({"owner": "Vis-LLC", "repo": "Simple-Data-Toolkit", "branch": "main"}, printer)To retrieve the data in a file using Simple Data Toolkit, we can do the following:
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_GitAPI def printerData(data, reader): print(data) com_sdtk_api_GitAPI.retrieveAPI().retrieveData({"owner": "Vis-LLC", "repo": "Simple-Data-Toolkit-UI", "branch": "main", "path": "index.html"}, printerData)We can also login using a personal access token (https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens)
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_GitAPI def printerData(data, reader): print(data) com_sdtk_api_GitAPI.instance().setKey("Personal Access Token Here").retrieveAPI().retrieveData({"owner": "Vis-LLC", "repo": "Simple-Data-Toolkit-UI", "branch": "main", "path": "index.html"}, printerData)Simple Data Toolkit - Tutorial - IEEE Events API - PythonSimple Data Toolkit provides an unofficial API for reading events from the IEEE API. (At the time of this writing, the release of this is pending for complete support, but it is coming soon) To retrieve all events in Python, using Simple Data Toolkit, we can do the following:
from sdtk import com_sdtk_api_IEEEAPI,com_sdtk_calendar_IEEEEventFormat def printer(data, reader): ieee = com_sdtk_calendar_IEEEEventFormat.instance for event in reader.toArrayOfNativeMaps(None): ci = ieee.read(event) print(ci.summary) com_sdtk_api_IEEEAPI.eventsAPI().retrieveData({"limit": "2"}, printer)We can search using the following parameters: - limit - The limit to the number of events to return - start - The start datetime to search - end - The end datetime to search The columns supported at the time of this writing are: - created-at mapped to created - start-time mapped to start - end-time mapped to end - title mapped to summary - uid mapped to uidHello WorldToday I want to take a moment to share how we all own our conversations. Let's start with we all are as offended as we think we are. For some of us the bar is very low. Others are not easily offended at all! Because of this, we also have a difficult time understanding when an offence is genuine and when it is manipulation. Controlling others is not the answer! When you are faced with something that triggeres righteous indignation, try humor instead.
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